After moving into an apartment in Cologne, you need to register your new address with the city within 14 days. You will receive a confirmation of registration (Meldebestätigung) that you may need for other inquiries (application for residence permit, opening of a bank account etc.)

<aside> 💡 Important: If you move into an apartment outside of Cologne, you will need to register with your respective city. The processes should be similar. Let us know if we can assist.


Where to register?

You can register at one of the nine district offices (Kundenzentren) in Cologne: Chorweiler, Ehrenfeld, Innenstadt, Kalk, Lindenthal, Mülheim, Nippes, Porz, Rodenkirchen

How to register?

You can visit a district office of your choice without an appointment on Mondays and Wednesdays. For all other days, you will need an appointment.

You will need the following two documents for the registration:

Any questions?

Please contact the International Office ([email protected])